Sickness and Death – Every day of my short life should be important to me. I can’t do good without being good myself

Sickness and Death from my grandfather's prayer book (Men in prayer).

Prayer for a Sick Person

Holy Lord, Father Almighty, Eternal God; you are... (click here for the full prayer)

Prayer for the Dying

Most gracious Jesus, you love souls.... (Click here for the full prayer)

To the Sorrowful Mother

Holy mother, press the wounds, which your son felt on the cross,

Deep into my soul!

Let me Christ's death and suffering torture, anguish and bitter parting,

Feel like your mother's heart. that not to the eternal flame,

Judgment day condemn me

Your pure mouth speak for me!

Christ, for his mother's suffering, give me the joy of victory

After earthly strife!

Jesus, when my body will die, then let my soul ground,

Thy heavenly bliss! Amen.

Pray for us, sorrowful virgin!

You stood next to the cross of Jesus.

Lord Jesus Christ, we ask you, now and at the hour of our death, by your mercy, your Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, to intercede for us.

Her holy soul pierced the sword of pain in the hour of your suffering.

Grant us this, Jesus Christ, Savior of the world!

You who live and reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.


Prayer to Mary for a good Death

Mary conceived without sin, pray for us! We beg to you. Refuge of sinners, mother of the dying, do not forsake us at the hour of our passing! Beg of us full repentance, sincere conversion and forgiveness of our sins! Help us that we receive the holy food worthily, that we are strengthened by the sacrament of holy unction and so confidently stand before the throne of the just and good Judge, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

Prayer of the Sufferers

O Son of the Eternal Father, Jesus Christ, our Lord and true King over all! What have you left in the world that we, your descendants, could inherit from you? Besides sorrow, pain and shame, what have you possessed but a tree trunk upon which you breathed your last in pain? We want to be your true children and not turn down this inheritance. So we must not flee from suffering.

Prayer for a Dying Person

"I am the living bread that comes down from heaven; whoever is of this bread will live forever." Truly, you divine friend of men! You are the bread of heaven - your word is truth. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever - your word is life. Behold, one of our brothers and yours is in agony. Show him your power and love! Be a strengthening bread from heaven for us eternal life!

Nurture his belief that he will conquer the world. Nurture his hope that he will leave the earthly with peace and joy. Nurture his love so that before he dies he dies entirely in sin and lives for you alone. Let him experience your life force that he may live forever. Make him feel that you are life and resurrection. Amen.


If our Father dwells in heaven, then earth cannot be a real home. It is but an armory and a forecourt. I am therefore not allowed to lay a deep foundation in the earth; a wooden house is enough. And I shouldn't long for days of fresh air down there and settle down, but gradually have to get homesick for home. (Urban Stolz)

Thoughts of Death

Father of my life! As certain as I live on earth before you, I will surely die one day. When? How? Where? You alone know that. - This eye will close. Those lips won't part anymore. This heart won't beat for you anymore. Cold and rigid, this body will be sunk into the earth, becoming the dust of which it is formed. He will no longer go to church, to society, to this house of mine. Father! I know the days on earth are short. I am always close to the goal of my life.

And my mother trembles at the thought of it. I often want to turn away from these thoughts. But I may or may not think of it; I am mortal, as surely as I now live on earth. Countless people of the last generation and countless of my generation left this earth. Dying every day, slowly or suddenly, expected or unexpected, young and old, strong and weak, rich and poor, good and bad. I never know for a moment whether it will not be the last of my earthly life.

And yet I so seldom think about it! Teach me, Heavenly Father, to count my days, to wisely take to heart the uncertainty of my death! Detach my heart from this visible world and its joys, because I must leave it and find nothing in it that could satisfy me. I am so attached to this world! But you can give me this right wisdom if I seek it honestly. Every day of my short life should be important to me. I can't do good without being good myself.

Therefore I ask you that you give me light, strength and courage to do the work of him who sent me while it is day. The night comes when no one can work anymore. Nothing shall be more important to me than your call to holiness. This is the most important thing in my life. I can't do it precisely enough and thoroughly enough. Every day I want to start over and not see what's behind me. Above all, Heavenly Father, teach me the value of my soul and immortality. You called me to do this through Jesus Christ.

That is the greatest of all gifts that I am immortal. I will live even if this visible life is over. I shall preserve your immortal life. What higher things can one think, better things to wish for, and happier things to hope for! Soon I will have suffered on this earth, and then I will live eternal life!

Father of Immortality! When sin tempts me, when work wearies me, when doubts terrify me, when slander offends me, when sickness torments me, when life becomes bitter and death dreadful, strengthen my faith in your and my immortality. With this belief I can do anything. Never let me lose this faith! Never let this hope of all hopes sink in me. Amen.


As the name does not perish when it is lowered into the ground, so neither do we. Like seeds we will rise again, since death has been conquered by the grace of the Redeemer. (Athanasius)


Look, you've been playing the master builder for your poor soul for a long time and have not yet laid one stone on top of the other in this building! You have long set out to hunt for life for your soul; but I fear that what you have already gained you will also lose.

The time is already approaching when your strength begins to wane, and you still don't have a cent in your hand. You must do what is useful for your soul, as Solomon said: "Of everything that people concern themselves with, nothing is of use to you except what you use to find life for your soul!" (Isaac of Antioch)

Prayer for the Deceased

O God, you have power over life and death. You are the God of spirits and Lord of all flesh. You kill and give life. You lead to the gates of hell and exalt above the earth. You created the spirit in man and take with you the souls of the saints and give them rest. You form, sculpt and form creatures as it pleases you and befits them, you alone who are imperishable, unchanging and eternal.

We ask you for the rest and the sleep of death of your servants; Rest their souls, rest their spirits, a place of peace with your saints. Raise up their bodies on the day you have appointed according to your promise, which cannot deceive, so that you may give them the inheritance they deserve in the holy fields. Don't think about the mistakes and sins!

You be peace and blessings. Heal the pain of those who belong to them with your comfort, and give us all a happy ending through Jesus Christ, your only Son, through whom you have glory and power in the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the Last Judgement

Thou mighty judge, merciful and just God! You come at the end of the world to judge all living and dead. Nobody can escape you. I too will have to appear before you in all my misery. Grant me a great grace: that I may be fully reconciled to you before this judgment. That I will not be thrown into eternal punishment by your judgment. Place me now in the company of your friends, to whom you will say; Come, you blessed ones, into my Father's kingdom, which was prepared for you from the beginning of the world!

Do not save my works until this judgment! Show me mercy and forgiveness beforehand through your holy passion and death. I can then appear calm and collected in front of you. I don't have to fear you, but rather rejoice that my life is justified before all the world. Let me never forget this day, O God, while I live here, so that I can expect it with a clear conscience and come through it happily. Amen.

Prayer for a good Death

For the last and greatest mercy I ask you, almighty God; for a good death. A death that does not mean an end to me, but a glorious beginning. I don't have to cry for this life, because your eternal life is infinitely more beautiful. You are the absolute lord of life and death!

Death came upon mankind as a punishment for sin and is as certain as life. And we ourselves have earned it again with our sins. So will I accept death as atonement for my sins. I don't know when you made me dead. I don't know the circumstances of this death either. It can be a very quick, a painful death, a death after a long suffering.

However it comes upon me, I commend myself to your mercy. I give my body and my soul into your hands. I surrender myself completely to your paternal providence. Let me die as Saint Joseph was allowed to die, who died in the names of Jesus and Mary. Don't let me forget the death of your divine Son who commends himself into your hands. Jesus Christ, you died for me. Give me the grace to die in perfect love for you.
