Seikenji Zen Temple – Kyoto – Japan – Sokan Osho

Seikenji Temple was built in the Koei Era (about 650 years ago) during the Northern and Southern Judgment Periods (about 650 years ago) as a temple of the Daitokuji Sect of the Rinzai School of Buddhism in Amagasaki Daimotsu by the 74th Chief Priest of Daitokuji , Jikudo Enku founded. After the Honnoji Incident, Hideyoshi, who was ambushed by Mitsuhide Akechi, shaved his head and became a monk, hiding in Seigenji Temple and surviving.

It is not known if this anecdote is historical fact, but it appears that Hideyoshi's war council was held at Seikenji Temple and that it was related to Sen no Rikyu. Perhaps because of this connection, Hideyoshi donated the temple area after unifying the lands. The Chuko Kaizan was Soken Shōrei, a Zen priest who served as guru at Nobunaga Oda's funeral at the Daitokuji Soken-in.

The temple, which has fallen into disrepair in modern times, was donated by Mr. Gendo Yamaguchi, a businessman and Sukisha, and rebuilt in Kyoto in 1932. It was relocated and rebuilt at its current location in Kamitakano, Sakyo District. Mr. Gendo Yamaguchi was a person who contributed to the restoration of many temples and shrines, but when he made a donation, he made conditions such as that the temple had an appropriate history and that it was located in a sacred place with scenic beauty .

Seikenji Zen Temple - Japan - 栖賢寺

As a dojo rooted in the tradition of Zen, we provide an environment for Buddhist friends seeking true peace to meet, study and practice zazen. We also work on cultural activities as a Zen of the movement, including the tea ceremony.

Abbot Sokan Osho

Sokan Osho is a brother monk of Father Reding. After graduating from Kyoto City University of Arts, Sokan Osho pursued his own fundamental question, "What is true happiness?" through spiritual inquiry through yoga. He aspired to an extensive spiritual education and entered the Zen priesthood at the age of 28 after training in the Himalayas. After his training at Daitokuji Zen Monastery, he entered Seigenji Temple in 2016. While visiting a teacher, he holds sesshin and continues to practice zazen with Zenyu Osho.
