Koan – Mumonkan – Case No. 39 – A Mistake in Speaking

The Case

Zen monk said to master Ummon, "The brilliance of the Buddha silently illuminates the whole universe..." But before he could finish the verse Ummon said, "Aren't those the words of Chosetsu the Genius?" "Yes they are," answered the monk. "You have slipped up in your speaking," Ummon said. Afterward, zen master Shishin brought up the matter and said, "Tell me, at what point did the monk err in his speaking?"

Mumon's Comment

If you dearly understand this and realize how exacting Ummon was in his method, and what made the monk err in his speaking, you are qualified to be a teacher of heaven and earth. If you are not yet dear about it, you are far from saving yourself.


A line is cast in the rapids, The greedy will be caught. Before you start to open your mouth, Your Life is already lost!


The brilliance of the Buddha silently ilJuminates the whole universe. Wise and ignorant, sentient and nonsentient form one family. No non-action appearing, the whole is manifested. The slightest stir of the six roots makes it overcast. Cutting off delusion increases evils, Seeking after the absolute invites a curse, Looking after worldly affairs does no harm, Nirvana and samsara are like Bowers in a fantasy.