Zen Koan – Cookies of Zen – Case 24 – What is the First Phrase?

At Junghye-Sa Temple in Daksan, the venerable master Mann-Gong was in residence, he once said, "Zen Master Sul-Vong's 'Aposiopesis' is merely the second phrase; and, Zen master Jang-Sang's 'Alas' is also the second phrase." He continued, "Now, then, what would be the first phrase?"

He sent this question by mail to all of the Zen Centers throughout the nation. Zen Master Mu-Ryom, at Tonbwha-Sa (Paulownia Flower Mountain) in Kyung-Buk, sent a letter saying,

Why don't you ask what is the first phrase?

Venerable Master Mann-Gong answered, "I have never asked you the first phrase. Why are you answering?" After that one, no further letters came from him. From throughout the nation many other letters arrived. However, according to what Venerable Master Mann-Gong later said, Zen Master Mu-Ryom's was the best! For that he sent Master Mu-Ryom a Verse:

At the summit of Paulownia Mountain, flowers are alone united. Just waiting until then, for the flowers to fade and the nice breeze to ripen the fruit.

Zen-Master Hye-Am

If the Venerable Master asked me the same Koan, I would say,

It is entertaining where there is no entertaining.

I would continue by saying,

Master, you broke the precept by untruthful speech.