Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 17 – Wealth from Within

Verse - Wealth from Within

Jesus said, “I will give you what no eye has ever seen, nor ear ever heard, nor hand ever touched, nor has the spirit of man entered into.”


This promise means the fullness of the Kingdom of God, which cannot be seen with the eyes of the body, heard with the ears, grasped with the hands, or imagined with the mind. Because it is spiritual and more blissful than all the joys that the world can give. This fullness is not attained by those who cling to external things, but only by those who turn inward and find the greater thing that the world knows nothing of.

Anyone who chases after the latest news and things, who only considers the new to be the best and most important, is called poor by Christ because, following the senses, he misses the meaning and, as long as he falls into deception, experiences disappointment. For nothing grows old faster than the new, and only a few people learn from history that man learns nothing from history.