Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 18 – The Way to Perfection

Verse - The Way to Perfection

The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us, what will it be like when we die?" Jesus answered, "If you have discovered the beginning, why are you looking for the end? For where the beginning is, there will also be the end. Blessed is the one who will hold fast to the beginning at the beginning, and if he knows the end, he will not taste death."


How can you ask about the end when you are aware of your origin! Whoever has found me, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end of everything, and that which is beyond it, within himself, has both the beginning and the end, and that which is beyond it without beginning and end! But fulfillment - finding and being found - is by no means the only thing that is blissful as the crowning glory of our self-awakening. The daily inner growth and becoming bigger, in which everyone takes part who takes the path inward and is guided by their inner helper and guide, is already blissful.

Way of Light

On the way of light we experience what all the mystery schools in the world can only inadequately convey, directly and without restriction. The gradual initiation by the master in us - the gradual revelation of ever higher truths and brighter realities - the coming to life of what was buried under the rubble of everyday life and believed to be dead - the increasing harmony with fate and the unchanging eternity behind all temporal change. The gradual awakening to the inner light on the way to perfection. The consecration of our human consciousness to the breadth of cosmic consciousness - and the ever higher rise from the narrowness of earthly existence into the limitless all-unity of white life.