Ceremonies – Rituals – Ceremonies mark an important phase of life

Rituals & Ceremonies - The Phoenix is reborn into a new Responsibility

Ceremonies mark an important phase of life or an event, so that one can consciously take on new responsibility with the change. All ceremonies are non-denominational and all faiths are welcome.

Phoenix Meditation - Ceremonies - Rituals

The phoenix is reborn into a new life (responsibility). But sometimes it is as difficult as trying to pull an ox into a well. But then there is no need to give rise to thoughts of sadness and failure. For in that way you would become a prisoner of victimhood. If you wish to awaken to the true nature, you should not search for it outside of yourselves. Why is this? Because if you seek the true nature outside, you will only succeed in distancing to go eastwards but ended up going to the west. Because the dog chases the mudball, and the tiger bites the thrower.

Those who have not awakened to the new responsibility (as adult, husband, wife, parent, etc) live enslaved to circumstances. they dream not only while they are asleep; even when their eyes are open they live in a dream. This is truly a pitiful situation. Everything we do while remaining ignorant of our true nature is similar to the actions of a blind person who wanders aimlessly from east to west, from the past into the present. The nature of the entire universe is your own mind.

Responsibility - Liberation

When you are reborn into the new responsibility you transcend the past, the present and the future. You transcend both time and space. This is meant by liberation. Take on the highest possible responsibility. Just as a mirror reflects whatever is created, you see all phenomena through your great perfect mirror wisdom. You are free from all defilements and attachment, like rain falling gently on the blue ocean. Now your are vast, boundless and unobstructed. Birth and death do not longer concern you.