FAQ – In the monastic regime, where life is strictly organized, humor and irony is a welcome relief!

Here you will find the frequently asked questions and answers (faq). In the monastic regime, where life is strictly organized, humor is a welcome relief and an opportunity for obtaining mutual understanding and camaraderie in the monastery.

What awaits me in the monastery?

The Sword of Wisdom killed the old witch and her eunuchs and at the same time brought the king and queen to life.

Is Zen meditation buddhist?

Zen is about religiosity (inner meaning), i.e. it is non-denominational and is therefore based on the given culture. Zen is like mysticism, it is the living core of every religion in which the only thing that matters is practice - religious experience, realization. And here in the West, religious experience has the language of Christianity. This way we can find our father again and free him from the belly of the beast.

What should I bring to the stay?

  • Walking boots
  • Clothes for the garden work
  • Comfortable clothes for meditation
  • Rain & sun protection
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Water-bottle for hiking
  • Small Backpack
  • Sleeping bag is not required

Who can come to the monastery?


What is the most important rule?

Be quiet and pay attention! Always take the greatest possible personal responsibility in your situation and role.

I'm Muslim, can I still come?


When and how long can I stay?

Anytime with advance notice. Whether for a cup of coffee, for sitting meditation, for a day, several days, weeks or months, you are most welcome.

What is the difference between walking and hiking?

7 hours and 1000 meters of altitude. And we will go hiking, daylong hikes!

I have gluten intolerance or celiac disease, can I still come?

Of course, but we will not make any exceptions when it comes to food. So think twice if this is the right place for you.

What are the payment terms?

Pay for the oblations before your stay. Cancellation conditions: A processing fee of CHF 60 will be charged up to 2 weeks before the retreat; the total amount will be forfeited within 2 weeks before the retreat. If the amount has not yet been transferred, it must still be paid. In the event that the retreat is canceled on our part, we will refund the entire amount.

How do I have to behave in the monastery?

Do not cause additional inconvenience to those around you.

How many people are in the monastery?

Sometimes you are alone (not during the retreat), sometimes there are several people. The daily routine continues continuously.

Are there courses for beginners and advanced practitioners?

You are welcome

Is the Monastery traditional Japanese or Korean style?

Grüezi, welcome to Switzerland! Of course not, we don't have time for romantic jousting games!

You are a zen master and catholic?


Vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit.

Can I do what I want?

No! The monastery is not a shared apartment, hotel, therapy location, day nursery and sanctuary!

Do you have to be able to sit cross-legged when meditating?

No! It has cushions, chairs and various seating options.

Do you eat with chopsticks?

We are not an Asian restaurant.

Do I feel better when I meditate?


Why do you get up so early?

Nothing is free in life!

Do you eat vegan or vegetarian?

What is on the table is eaten (vegetables, meat, fish, etc.) and we are grateful! The problem is not what goes into the mouth, but what comes out.

Can I do a silent retreat?


Are the there guided meditations?

Not in plenary! Each practitioner discusses the meditation with the abbot in a interview.

Sex, Drugs & Music

During free time, personal needs can be pursued outside the monastery.

Can I have a single room?


Do I have to participate at mealtime?


How much free time do I have?

The abbot determines the schedule.

Church Service?

Every Sunday we attend Mass at the local church.

What do I have to do during the stay?

The abbot determines.

Does the monastery offers yoga?

Kalisthenic exercises can be done in your free time.

Can I talk during the stay?

Of course, especially during the breaks. Only the bare essentials are spoken during work or the modules.

Do you chant in Korean and Japanese?

Chanting is a very old form of knowledge transfer (before we could read). The easiest way to remember a story is sung. Because we have only done it this way for thousands of years, it is appropriately familiar to us.

What is Zen?

Contemplation! The contemplation of a spiritual, non-representational object in which one immerses oneself in order to gain knowledge about it.

What is Meditation?

Reexamine life and death with all what you have.

What is the meaning of Zen?

In the beginning was the Word, and the living Word was with God, and the Logos was God. When you understand that there is no way to say it, then you should know how to say it, because in the beginning was the word. Zen removes confusion and is not a way of teaching. Zen Master Pohwa Sunim

How is Meditation?

While everyone is meditating non-stop, standing or sitting, it's always together. If you don't believe this: look carefully! What is talking now all the time? Zen Master Myo-Vong

What happens at the moment of death?

How should I be able to know that now?

What awaits the deceased where?

I'm not a dead Zen monk, ask someone who has died.

Buddha said "life is suffering". Can we enjoy life?

Find the Buddha and ask Him. Meanwhile, I'll finish my after-work beer.

How many times is a Zen monk reborn?

What can he achieve to end this cycle? Until the questions are answered.

Do you believe in ghosts?

A fart in a leather bag! If you see a ghost, say "Hello!"

Is the origin of Zen Japanese?

Please, do not insult my korean zen master.

Does Zen connect the West with the East?

Free from east and west! "East & West" was created by the church split in 1054 in Europe. "East" means the Byzantine Empire and "West" means the Roman Catholic Empire.

How long does it take for the soul to be born again in a new body?

3 Seconds

What do you think about dying?

Autch, Autch!

Is there a hierarchy?

Yes, of course. You get no preferential treatment.

Why is Zen without a doctrine?

I can show you the way to the toilet, but you have to get on the pot yourself!

What is the Trinity?

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The awakening, the law & the community. Sleeping Beauty slept because the community disregarded the law.

Do you recommend any books before the stay?

The Bible, Hensel and Gretel, Peter Pan, Pinocchio and Sleeping Beauty.

Do women and men live together?

Adam and Eve are playing in the Garden of Eden.

What does it mean to be without possessions?

A monk asked Zen Master Joshu, "What about if I don't chase for different things?" Master said, "Obviously, it is exactly like that." The monk said, "Isn't that the fact of my own nature?" The master said, "pursue, hunt, chasing."

How do you become a Zen master as quickly as possible?

Print a business card!

What is the biggest mistake in life?

The factual error! When you confuse life and death, pain and suffering, compassion and pity, guest and host, men and women, equality of outcome and equality of opportunity, teacher and student, etc.

What is the correct position when meditating?

The food comes to the mouth and not the other way around. This is more important than making a knot in your legs.

Can I bring my own Singing bowls, incense sticks and scented candles to the monastery?

No, guest and host are clearly distinguished. Leave your junk at home.

Can I smoke?

Yes, during the break.

What is my choice during the stay?

Take it or leave.

What is our Zeitgeist?

Hansel and Gretel


Here you will find the etiquette for the monastery stay.

Love, Peace and Harmony?

Not for the sake of peace, but for the sake of truth.

Does the background color of the homepage has any meaning?

The liturgical colors express the mood and character of the church year.