Koan – Mumonkan – Case No. 40 – Tipping Over a Water Bottle

The Case

When zen master Isan was with Hyakujo, he was head cook, of the monastery. Hyakujo wanted to choose a master for Mount Tai-i, so he called together all the monks and told them that anyone who could answer his question in an outstanding manner would be chosen. Then he took a water bottle and stood it on the floor, and said, "You may not call this a water bottle. What do you call it?"

The head monk said, "It cannot be called a stump." Hyakujo asked lsan his opinion. lsan tipped over the water bottle with his feet and went out. Hyakujo laughed and said, the head monk loses." And Isan was named as the founder of the new monastery.

Mumon's Comment

lsan displayed great spirit in his action, but he could not cut himself free from Hyakujo' s apron string's. He preferred the heavier task to the lighter one. Why was he like that, eh? He took off his headband to bear the iron yoke.


Tossing bamboo baskets and ladles away, He made a glorious dash and swept all before him. Hyakujo's barrier cannot stop his advance; Thousands of Buddhas come forth from the tips of his feet.