Zen Koan & Mysticism – Mumonkan – Case No. 9 – Daitsu Chisho Buddha

The Case

A monk asked Kyo Seije, "Daitsu Chisho Buddha sat in zazen for ten kalpas and could not attain Buddhahood. He did not become a Buddha. How could this be?" Seijo said, "Your question is quite self-explanatory." The monk asked, "He meditated so long; why could he not attain Buddhahood?" Seijo said, "Because he did not become a Buddha."

Mumon's Comment

I allow the barbarian's realization, but I do not allow his understanding. When an ignorant man realizes it, he is a sage. When a sage understands it, he is ignorant.


Better emancipate your mind than your body; When the mind is emancipated, the body is free, When both body and mind are emancipate, Even gods and spirits ignore worldly power.