Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 113 – Everything is Inside

Verse - Everything is Inside

His disciples asked him, "When will the kingdom come?" Jesus said, "It will not come by waiting for it. No one will ever say, 'Look, here it is,' or 'Look, there it is,' but the kingdom of the Father is spread out over the earth, and people do not see it."


In the Gospels as well as in the Secret Words of Jesus, the Kingdom of God is compared to a mustard seed, the smallest and most inconspicuous of all seeds, which, when it falls on the right soil and is cared for, develops into a sheltering tree and becomes a protection for the birds of the sky. Thus the spark of light in the innermost part of our hearts wants to develop into an all-transforming fire that spreads out like a tree, in whose glow and splendor we are reborn and become children of God from being children of men. Heirs of the Kingdom of God. By this Kingdom of God or Kingdom, Jesus means three things:

  1. Firstly, self-knowledge and its fruit, knowledge of God.
  2. Then the inner life from the spirit in contrast to external existence from the senses.
  3. And finally, seen even more deeply, the inner kingdom of light, in which Christ, our divine self, is eternally one with the Father, the all-self and source of light.

In the above saying, Jesus makes it clear once again that the Kingdom of God does not have its place and time, beginning and end, like the kingdoms of the world, or that it will be visible in the sky before the end of the world, as others believe, but that it is a timeless, eternal state of the soul - an inner being that already takes place here and now and, as more and more people awaken to this higher consciousness and being, is spread across the earth - even if the unawakened do not yet perceive it. The Kingdom of God does not come with signs from heaven, as an external event that is announced throughout the world through word and writing, radio and television. It comes secretly, internally. It awakens and grows in the souls of people and reveals itself to them in the moment of highest self-awakening as a state of shadowless light-filledness, blissful consciousness of being and immediacy with God that exists everywhere and above everything. All the words of the Lord proclaim this highest certainty:

The Kingdom of God is within you. Awaken to it and learn to live from it! Recognize that eternal life does not begin at some point in the distant future or after death, but that it is already here and now as a living possession in you, as Christ says: "Whoever hears my words and believes in him who sent me has eternal life and will not come into judgment." He is no longer subject to the law of cause and effect, karma - but has passed from death to life - to the kingdom of God that is within.

Precisely because this is within us all, in the end everyone will recognize it and enter the kingdom of God as soon as they reach inner unity and from there the unity with God, which Christ promises to all who follow him in the last saying of the Gospel of Thomas.