Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 114 – Unio Mystica

Verse - Unio Mystica

Simon Peter said to them, "Let Mary depart from among us, for women are not worthy of life." Jesus said, "Behold, I am leading her so that she may become a male and become a living spirit, like you men. For every woman who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven."


The more primitive and animalistic a person is, the more he emphasizes the pole of his being that emerges in his embodiment - the male or the female. The higher he develops, the closer he comes to the level of the spiritual human or the genius human, the more clearly the inner opposite pole of his being reveals itself as the mother soil of his development and the source of his creativity.

The more completely he finally awakens to himself, becomes aware of his innermost divine self, and rises to the level of God-manhood, the more both poles of his being become one and reveal more and more the Eternal in him, who is neither male nor female, but divine. This makes clear what Christ wants to say with his answer that balances the opposites: I will lead Mary to self-reflection, so that she can be one with her inner male opposite pole and so that she can be like you, who still value the male more highly!

And I will lead her beyond that to self-realization, so that she becomes one spirit and being with my self as well as with yours! The moment she becomes one with the divine light within, she is a living spirit, like you and me. This mystical marriage is more than the union of the animus and the anima of the waking conscious self-image with the opposite pole of the soul image to form the super- and all-conscious self-image.

It is also more than what it symbolizes in the mystery teachings: the higher unification of man and woman, not only externally but internally, the reunion of halves of being or twin souls that have been separated for eternity and are searching for each other. It is the actual Sysygy that follows enlightenment: the unification of the human with the divine, of the image with the archetype. You should be complete, just as your Father in heaven is complete.