Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 39 – Key to Knowledge

Verse - Key to Knowledge

Jesus said, "The Pharisees and the scribes received the keys of knowledge and have hidden them. They neither entered nor allowed others to enter. But you are wise as serpents and simple as doves."


The statement that the Pharisees and scribes have made religion, which is in its essence the awakening of light and knowledge of God, into a mere confession, i.e. an external confession, and have thereby hidden the keys of knowledge, so that neither they themselves nor those who trust in their guidance can enter the inner kingdom of light, the kingdom of God, is repeated several times by Christ. The awakened know that the gate of life and knowledge is within us, which is why all instruction from outside can only be instruction from within.

No one is called to stand before Christ and say: I am the gatekeeper, only through me can you reach eternal life in the kingdom of God! Those who know the direct path do not need mediators and detours. By dedicating their hearts to the Eternal in faithful, trusting devotion, the gate of light into the kingdom of God opens and widens for them. But many want to see first and then believe. He who steps through the gate of faith to become a seer acts more wisely. The following words of Christ also point to this.