Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 43 – Right Knowledge

Verse - Right Knowledge

His disciples said to him, "Who are you that you can tell us this?" Jesus said to them, "You cannot understand who I am from what I tell you alone. You have become like the Jews, for they either love the tree and hate its fruit, or they love the fruit and hate the tree."


The admonition to see and recognize correctly contained in this saying is also expressed by Christ in another of the Lord's words quoted by the Church Father Augustine: You have rejected the living one who stands before you, and you speak of the dead. Jesus is also among the dead for those Christians who speak of him as if he lived a long time ago, and who thereby overlook, forget and reject the living Christ who stands before them, who is in them and who silently waits for him to be resurrected through them - and not only in them, but also in their neighbors.

Let us make sure that we do not resemble those contemporaries of Jesus of whom he says according to the Acts of Peter:

Those who are with me have not understood me.

And let us make sure that we do not resemble the Jews mentioned in the above saying of the Gospel of Thomas, who love the tree and hate its fruit, who confess God and crucified the Son of God. Even today, many believe in God without recognizing or respecting him in their neighbors, while others in their love of humanity only see the external form of the Beloved, but do not recognize and respect the inner spirit, the hidden God.

Those who have awakened to God, on the other hand, see, love and respect God in all living things: they see in all beings fruits of the same divine tree of life and therefore approach everyone with the same reverence and loving devotion that they show towards the divine. For for them, God is in everyone and everything is in God.