Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 48 – Inner Unity

Verse - Inner Unity

Jesus said, “If two people make peace in a house, they will say to the mountain, ‘Be moved,’ and it will be moved.”


This word is not just a supplement to the beatitude in the Sermon on the Mount: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God," but means more, because it is not aimed at the attitude, but at being. At the oneness of the inner and outer person, of body and soul in the spirit, at the oneness of I and It in the self.

Where these two no longer live in conflict, but in peace with one another in the unity of the spirit, they are also peacemakers for the environment, because they are bearers of divine power and the power of realization, and are able to transform beings and circumstances from within, to clear away dangers and mountains of difficulties, and to realize the Kingdom of God both within and in the outside world.

But the 'house' does not only mean the human being, in which the conscious and the unconscious, the inner and the outer, the ego and the id live under the guidance of the all-conscious self in the peace of living divine childship, but also the union of male and female that accompanies such divine childship and its abolition in becoming one, as further words of the Lord make clear. For what applies to the unity of the human being applies equally to the unity of people among themselves, which can be increased to the point of mystical becoming one, as will become clear below.