Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 5 – Inner Growth

Verse - Inner Growth

Jesus said, "Know what is before you, and what is hidden from you will be revealed to you. For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. And therefore nothing will be hidden that will not also be made manifest."


Those who long for the awakening of the light sacrifice the constant striving for inner growth in knowledge and wisdom. This means that when we look at something, we look consciously and not only see the surface, but recognize the hidden core, we see the light behind the shadows, the spiritual behind the physical, the eternal behind the earthly, the divine beneath the human shell. Anyone who sees in this way will be revealed what remains dark and hidden to those who only see externally. For those who learn to see intuitively within, with the light eyes of the spirit, there is nothing hidden that reveals itself to them.

Happy, therefore, are all those who take the path inward. On this path they experience that they are moving upwards from one level to another, from one level of knowledge to the next higher, from light to brighter light, and in doing so they become ever more vividly aware of their inner growth and maturity. Before their eyes the coverings fall and the graves open - and the spirit of life steps forward, blesses them, expands their hearts, consecrates them, awakens dormant spiritual senses and leads them step by step up into the kingdom of light of God.