Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 57 – Eternal Harvest

Verse - Eternal Harvest

Jesus said, "The kingdom of the Father is like a man who sowed good seed. His enemy came in the night and sowed tares among the good seed. That person did not allow his workers to pull up the tares. He said to them, 'No, otherwise you will uproot the wheat with the tares.' On the day of harvest the tares will be visible, and they will be able to pull them up and burn them."


This is one of the seven parables of the Kingdom of God. Christ is the one who sows the good seed. The field is the world. The good seed are the children of the Kingdom of God. The weeds are the children of the world. Both are given equal opportunity to grow and develop.

The Harvest

On the day of the harvest - and this day of the effect of self-created destiny is always - the good fruit is brought in: The children of God will recognize themselves as citizens of the Kingdom of eternal life and will shine like the sun in their Father's kingdom, while the children of the world will fall into the lot of the world. But since the day of the harvest is always there, even those who have previously turned to the world and missed the path to the light have the opportunity today to turn inward and to become a child of the light from a child of the world.

This change certainly seems difficult, even painful, to those who have previously found happiness in the world; but Christ promises them in the next saying that they will find life.