Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 84 – Bliss of Self-Awakening

Verse - Bliss of Self-Awakening

Jesus said, "When you see your own images, you will join them again. But when you see your own images that existed before you, who can no longer die and reveal themselves, how much will you endure?"


When a person recognizes himself as the image of the divine archetype, becomes aware of his descent from the light, he is filled with a greater happiness than all earthly bliss can give him. Because then he realizes that his longing for the unity of inside and outside, which seemed unfulfillable to him as long as he looked outward, is only an expression of the suspected truth that deep inside he is eternally one. And at the same time he realizes that what he only temporarily and imperfectly achieves through external union in love and marriage, he has always been internally. Man and woman in one. With this he understands the meaning of the old saying of wisdom:

Everything is eternally united within.

The self-knowledge of this inner, eternal, one image of God, which underlies all of its previous images or embodiments in space and time in the same way as their imperishable and unmanifest inner image and essence - thus neither dies nor becomes manifest, but remains invisible and intangible to the embodiment and is only experienced in silent self-reflection - is confusing at the beginning of this divine transmutation. Because the view into the abyss of the past, like that into the greater cosmic future, is dizzying and barely bearable at the beginning - comparable, for example, to the awareness of weightlessness and all-round abyss in space beyond the gravitational field of the earth.