Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 9 – Right Action

Verse - Right Action

Jesus said, "Behold, a sower went out and took a handful of seed and scattered it. Some of it fell on the road; the birds came to gather it. Some fell on the rocks and took no root in the ground, neither did they produce any ears of corn. And some fell on the thorns, which choked the seed, and worms devoured it. And some fell on the good ground and produced good fruit, yielding sixty hundred and twenty of the measure."


The abundance of fruitful seed that is ripening towards completion is ours. We spread it out with every bright thought, every loving word and every good deed. However, we should not scatter good things carelessly and indiscriminately, but consciously entrust them to good soil, that is, not scatter them where they cannot take root, grow and bear fruit. Wherever it finds hearts that are willing to accept it, we should sow abundantly.

Then the harvest will exceed all expectations. The good fruit of these hearts will be brought up to heaven. The fullness of the Kingdom of God will be revealed in these hearts and through them will also bear fruit in the outer world, thus contributing to the realization of the Kingdom of God externally as well.