Mysticism & Gospel of Thomas – No. 91 – The Inner Helper

Verse - The Inner Helper

They said to him, "Tell us who you are so that we may believe in you." He said to them, "You examine the face of the heaven and the earth, but you do not recognize what is before you, and you do not know how to examine the present moment."


You look up to the sky for the signs of tomorrow's weather; but you do not recognize the storms of fate that tomorrow will bring you and which have their sources within you. You look outward, ready to believe, into the distance and at everyone who promises you new wisdom. But you do not see what is close to you, what is immediately in front of you:

The awakened one who stands before you and the one who is even closer to you.

Christ in you, the inner helper and guide, your own divine self, whose wisdom makes every question unnecessary and every doubt irrelevant. Jesus underlines this reminder to reflect on the only real support in life - inner support - by pointing to the present moment as the most important of all existence. Recognize that in this time, here and now, you can awaken to yourself, find Me within you and thereby gain the help and certainty that you long for. Instead of letting your searching gaze wander over heaven and earth, turn inward in silence until you find Me within you! Then your search is satisfied, your question answered.

But if you do not recognize and use this time as a gateway to eternity, then much time may pass until a moment of maturity calls and enables you to awaken yourself again and heaven and earth reveal themselves to you as a mirror of your own innermost being. Therefore, use this time for self-reflection and recognize Me within you! For now I am here. If you perceive Me within you, then the end of time and temporality and all earthly wandering has come for you. In this moment.