Our Homeland – God, you have given us a glorious fatherland and have protected it up to now; continue to give him your blessings!

Our home from my grandfather's prayer book (Men in prayer). In addition to the first commandment, which my mother engraved in my heart, my homeland is the highest and most sacred good.

Prayer for the Homeland

Almighty God, you have given us a glorious fatherland and always protected it; continue to give him your blessings! Bless our spiritual and temporal authorities, our schools and our army; bless agriculture, handicrafts, industry, trade and transport! Let us uninterruptedly enjoy the true peace that cannot exist without you. Through the unity of all citizens keep the homeland free and strong; help us to hold fast to your holy commandments and thus promote happiness and prosperity at home!

You, our good Lord and faithful God, free the homeland from all evil and protect it from every danger. We ask you this through Christ, your Son, our Lord, who so loved his earthly home that he shed tears in anticipation of the trial that threatened it.

Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God, to whom our ancestors built so many shrines on the hills and in the valleys of their homeland; you, holy angels of God, who protect the city and country of your homeland; You, holy men and women, who have come from the people of our homeland or have sanctified yourselves within the boundaries of our homeland, especially you, holy Brother Klaus, who served our fatherland in such an exemplary manner, all you saints, pray for us and with us!

Help us through your intercession, so that we can always protect and defend our fatherland through a truly Christian life and through unchanging loyalty! Amen.

Sacrifice In Times of Need

O Divine Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary I offer you all prayers and good works, all Holy Masses and Communions offered and received throughout the world today. In particular, I offer you all suffering, need and sorrow, all pain of all mankind, all tears of sorrowful men and women, fathers, mothers and children.

I place everything through the hands of Mary in your merciful heart as atonement for the sins of the whole world, with the fervent prayer that you will not let a single person die without an act of perfect repentance.

O Heavenly Father, have mercy on lost, unfortunate mankind. O look at the earth with compassionate eyes, how it has become a vale of tears. It is true that we have only too well deserved your just judgments. Restrain your punishing hand and let us always shine the suns of your holy peace.

Bless our dear fatherland, all men, women and children. Help them in the struggle of life. Fill them with courage and strength, with wisdom and justice. Give them patience and trust in all their days. Save our country from plague, famine and war and mercifully avert all dangers from our homeland, which is entrusted to your mighty protection and has sworn to you.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, grant that all the trials and tribulations, all sufferings and trials of our earthly days, may lead to conversion of the ungodly and frivolous, but to the greater sanctification of the souls of the righteous and godly.

Sweetest Heart of Mary, protect, keep and save us. Saint Joseph, special patron saint of the dying, go with your help to all people who die lonely and abandoned, comfort them, protect them, lead them mercifully to the heavenly homeland. You holy guardian angels, pray for the suffering and dying people and gently and graciously carry their departing souls up to heaven. Amen.