The Divine Virtues: Masculine Strong Faith – Unshakeable Hope – Enthusiastic Love

The divine virtues from my grandfather's prayer book (Men in prayer). The three great virtues must dwell in us;

  • A manly strong faith that nothing can shake because it is based on God's Word.
  • An unshakable hope from our heavenly Father and Lord.
  • An enthusiastic love for God and his work, which is a work of his divine love.

Manly Strong Faith

Lord and God, One in the Trinity, I believe in you with all my manly strength. God father, you are my creator and lord. God son, you are my redeemer and savior. God Holy Spirit, you are the giver of all graces. I believe that you are holy and righteous, kind and wise.

You reward all that is good and punish all that is bad, as everyone deserves. I believe in the liberating teaching of Jesus Christ, my divine Master, which the Church proclaims to us from the apostles. You, O God, are truth itself and in you is the salvation and happiness of all people. Strengthen in me this faith!

Unshakable Hope

From you, O God, I hope all the best in my life. Your paternal hand protects me and guides me. You save me through the precious blood of Jesus Christ out of the distress of my sins. You are the last and highest goal of my life. Strengthened by your promises, I hope from you eternal life, because you are merciful and kind, and you have in your hands all power in heaven and on earth. Awaken in me this hope!

Enthusiastic Love

Father in heaven! Nothing in the world is worth so much that it would be worthy of all love. You alone are the highest and most perfect good. I want to love you with all my strength and willingly give everything to possess you. You are worthy of the greatest sacrifice, the sacrifice of my own life.

And because you yourself are love, I want to love all my neighbors as myself in your name. I also include my enemies in this love, because you, divine Redeemer, have shed your precious blood for everyone. Kindle in me an enthusiastic love!


The Divine Virtues

My religious experience proves to me that only the religious person is the full person. (Guiseppe Motta)

The Saints were people who did less than many other people, but who did what they did a thousand times better. (F.W.Faber)