The Holy Church – Protect the purity of hearts! Give everyone loyalty and strength to become good people!

The Holy Church from my grandfather's prayer book (Men in prayer).

Common Prayer

Almighty Eternal God, Lord Heavenly Father! Look at our misery, our misery and our need with the eyes of your infinite mercy. Have mercy on all Christian believers for whom your only begotten Son, our dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, voluntarily gave himself into the hands of sinners and shed his precious blood on the stem of the holy cross.

Through this Lord Jesus, most gracious Father, avert the well-deserved punishments, present and future dangers, rebellion, war, dearth, disease and gloomy, miserable times. In all good things, enlighten and strengthen the spiritual and temporal authorities, so that they may promote all that may prosper for your divine glory, for our salvation, for the general peace, and for the welfare of Christianity. We ask you especially for the supreme pastor of your holy church and for our bishop. Grant us, O God of peace, right union in faith, without any division and division. Convert our hearts to true repentance and the betterment of life.

Ignite in us the fire of your love. Give us a hunger for righteousness and a zeal for every good thing, so that we, as your obedient children, may be agreeable and pleasing to you in life and in death. We also pray as You wish, O God, that we should pray for our friends and enemies, for the healthy and the sick, for all afflicted and suffering Christians, for the living and the dead. All our doings and omissions, our dealings and conduct, our living and dying, are always recommended to you, Lord.

Give us your grace here, and let us praise, honor and praise you there with all the chosen ones in eternal joy and bliss. Grant us this, Lord, heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord and Savior, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit as one God forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer For The Parish

O Most Holy Trinity! We worship you! We praise you, we praise you, we thank you for your great mercy! We kneel before your omnipotence and implore: Bless, O God, this church! Bless the whole parish! From the tabernacle of this church, bless all houses and streets, workshops and rooms where people live and work in your holy name! Bless families, O Lord! Give them grace and peace! Bless all the fathers and mothers!

Keep faith and patience in them and reward the diligence of their caring hands! Give them health of the body and comfort their souls in grief and distress! Bless the youth, O Lord! Protect the purity of hearts! Give everyone loyalty and strength to become good people! Your blessings come over the places of work, the sweat and the toil! Keep away dissatisfaction, lukewarmness, coldness and mockery!

Take our daily work as worship, sanctified in the name of God! We especially commend to you the sick, the sinners and the lost. Be comfort and light to them and call them home to your father's house. Give us and the whole world peace and do not leave us alone in need! We are your children, oh God. Amen.

Prayer for the Church

Divine Savior! You promised your church on earth that it cannot be overpowered. We know and experience again and again that stormy arches break out around this church. There is hardly a time when it is not being pursued somewhere in the world. But if you are persecuted, your church will also be persecuted. And it will emerge from these battles all the stronger and more luminous than your divine kingdom on earth.

You are with us always, to the end of the world. This support gives us courage and joy. We rejoice to be members of this holy Church. That we were never dead branches on this tree! That we never want to set a bad example for others! Protect your church from these internal enemies! Let the example of believers take hold of all the world, as it did with the first Christians, of whom it was said: "See how they love one another!"

Grant us humble obedience to the Church. We do not want to see people in their servants, but your ordained priests, to whom you have given greater power than any human being on earth. We want to hear your divine word through her mouth and experience your law, which is a law of love and mercy. Also, give your church peace from their enemies. Let the light of your divine truth shine on them too, so that the church becomes their home and the house of God their father's house.

Be a good shepherd to all the people of the world through the Holy Church, so that unity and peace, sacrificial love and a common aspiration towards you may fill everyone. The holy cross shines from the church as a sign of your goodness and your victory over the earth and lead all people to your father in whom is all happiness and bliss. Amen.

For the Pope and the Bishop

In Your wisdom, O God, You have entrusted the government of the Church to the Pope and to the Bishops. For them we pray that you will give them the special graces they need for their great burden. They are our shepherds and guides in your place. Through them you make known to us your will and your commandments.

Enlighten them and strengthen them so that they understand their high office worthily. Grant them your grace so that they may well direct the Church entrusted to them and lead them by their example and their word. Guide them always through your Holy Spirit in wisdom and prudence, in godliness and unselfishness. Then they can experience the great joy of finding the people entrusted to them with you in heaven. Amen.

Prayer for Worthy Priests

O God, shepherd and teacher of your believers, who instituted the priesthood to preserve and propagate your church and said to your apostles: "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Pray therefore to the Lord of the harvest that he laborers send in his harvest": behold, we come with fervent desire and fervent entreaty to you: Send laborers into your harvest: send worthy priests into your holy Church!

Let all whom you have called to your holy service from eternity willingly hear your voice and obey it with all your heart. Save them from the dangers of the world; Give them the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of will and godliness, and fill them with the spirit of thy holy fear, that, armed with the grace of the priesthood, they may by word and example teach us teach us to walk in the way of your commandments, and lead us to everlasting blessed union with you, who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Spread The Faith

Lord and God! You know how many people in the wide world live in the light of faith and how many have not yet found this path or have lost it again. The light that your son brought into the world has not yet appeared to many people. Disbelief, unbelief and deception of all kinds wrap themselves around many people like chains. It is your wish that everyone finds the truth that you taught us through Jesus Christ, the truth about time and eternity, about our life and our death, so that we can walk the right path in the short years of our lives.

Every day is precious. Everyone is won or lost for all eternity. We ask you with all our hearts that you may give the Church more and more men and women who, with courage and joy, take on the hard work of mission. Send your messengers out into the world today too, so that they kindle your light, proclaim your commandment of love and inspire people with their example for you and your kingdom.

Where the spark still smolders, may it be rekindled. Where you have been forgotten, may love for you awaken again. And where your teaching has not yet reached, may your divine word be proclaimed and your good news willingly received. Bless the great missionary work of the Church! Bless all messengers of faith and their hard work.

Give them courage and perseverance, as you gave your apostles, so that they continue their work, also today and in the future. That is why we pray and ask; "Thy kingdom come to us! Thy will be done, as it is in heaven, so also on the whole wide earth!" Amen.