The Morning Prayer – The days bury your life, the hours are its gravediggers – Every day is a task that needs to be solved correctly

The morning prayer from my grandfather's prayer book (Men in prayer). Every day of life is a task that needs to be solved correctly. God Himself sets this task. Even if it is a day like a hundred others, it is worth as much or as little in the sight of God as we make of it.

A small but significant period of our lives, a small step closer to death and accountability to God. A right day should have a right beginning. The first step into the new day can be crucial. He boldly breaks the bad mood and sleepiness. We take this first step with God, the Creator of the new day. We salute him and ask for blessings for the day's work and for all who are entrusted to us in any way on this day.

The big sign of the cross that we make over ourselves shows the coming burden of the day's work, but also the place where we can draw courage.

The Morning Prayer

You made me, oh God, wake up to a new day. I greet you with great joy. Every day has its burden, and so today will also have its measure. But because I am allowed to carry you, oh God, in me, I greet this cross courageously and happily. You are giving me a sign that you trust me. I don't want to disappoint. What you have given me is also at your service today: my manhood, my intellect, my five senses and all my good will.

This all comes from you. Today I want to show you that everything should serve you. Your holy will be done from the first to the last hour. Chase away my bad mood and drowsiness. Give me courage and trust in spite of all odds. Courage to work, to good fellowship with my fellow human beings, to the self-sacrificing deed of a real man and citizen. I will confess you before the people and carry you out to them.

And now I ask for your blessing. Bless me Heavenly Father who gave me life. Bless me, Son of God, who suffered for me. Bless me, God Holy Spirit, Spirit of truth and love. In the name of God I begin. Amen.


Father, you loved me before I could love you. You gave your son to die for love of me. And your son sacrificed himself to make me your child. Therefore I want to love and honor you, oh father, in your son, to become his image as he was and is your image. Amen

Elevation to the will of God

Lord and God! People make so many requests to you every day. And yet you know best what we need and what is good for us. So I don't want to ask for this and that. I want to show you myself as I am, with all my weaknesses and my needs, with all my desolation and conceit. So I just want to ask for your caring help. Do to me what pleases you.

I know that you only do me good. If you send me joy, I will rejoice in you. If you send me sorrow, I will carry it with you. I accept everything you have decided about me. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. You alone know the limits of my life. So I want to live in you and for you so that I can die in you. I am yours in life and in death. Amen.

The Morning Prayer to the Holy Spirit (Logos)

Holy Spirit! Dispenser of divine graces! I beg your holy light of spirit this morning! It should enlighten me on the way that I have to go according to God's will. I ask you to stay with me so that I always recognize the will of the father and so that his plans for me come true and real and my will becomes one with him. From you I hope courage and strength, warmth and warning at the right time.

Because what I think and do should always make me a new person who, according to the will of the Father, is holy and righteous through the precious blood of the Son and with your help. Then I will become like and conform to my Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. Amen.

The Good Opinion

Father in heaven! You have given my life a high aim. Here on earth I should achieve the greatest efficiency in my profession that is within my power. I'm supposed to bring joy to my fellow human beings and offer them benefits, because what I do for my neighbor has been done for you. As Creator, you entrusted families to us men and made us their protectors and responsible for our families fulfilling your divine will.

And with that you want to test my strength, so that I can earn the homeland that you have prepared for me from the beginning. I know that with your help I can achieve this goal. Yet every day teaches me how much weakness, fear of man, pride and temptation stand in the way of this great goal. If only I could at least bring myself to answer to you in full and with a clear conscience for my thoughts, words and actions!

That's what I'm going to focus on today. I want to think and wish as Jesus would have thought and wished in his place. I want to work and pray as he would in my place. The business of this day may become such that it can exist in the service of God, impossible as it may seem to me at times; because I know that everything has value only with you. I want to do that, although I know my weakness from long experience and it doesn't let me hope for anything good.

You, o father, give me this good will. Give me the accomplishment too. Tonight I want to thank you with a happy heart for living a day like a real man is supposed to live. For this, give me, O God, your mercy. Amen.

Morning Prayer to the Virgin Mary

You mother of our Lord Jesus Christ! You have been the humble servant of the Lord. As it was your joy in life to do the will of God, so help me with motherly care. Your intercession makes my prayer before God good and pure.

Obedience to God shall be my joy, trust in you my security. To be the servant of the Lord has become your glory and honor. May I, too, find true greatness and happiness in serving God, today and always.

Of The Rushing Life

Just as water cannot be held with the fingers and does not stand still, so does human life stand still. Days bury your life, hours are its gravediggers, in days and hours your life vanishes from the earth. The life you live today escapes and vanishes with the end of this day.

Because every day takes its part from your life and lets it disappear. Your life is measured by God. It passes quickly; for there is no possibility and no way out for it to stand still and rest.

Consecration of Work

Father, I'll start work soon. It is your will that I use my powers to be useful to myself and others. I ask you to bless this work of mine. My strength comes from you, so that I can use it for good. If you really need everything you have, we will give you even more.

I don't just want to work for this life. I want to earn eternity with it. That I should go to work is a sign of your wisdom and a call of your love. It will become a service if I perform it for your sake and in trust in you. I'll start with God. Amen.