A visit in front of the Tabernacle – House of God – Many forget you and pass you by without realizing your love

A visit in front of the tabernacle from my grandfather's prayer book (Men in prayer).

My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! It is your pleasure to be with us here in the Church. You wanted to give a new proof of your love for us. Many forget you. They pass you by without realizing your love. They do not know the blessings that can flow into their lives from the altar. I worship you here because I confess my faith according to your word: You are truly present here as God and man in the form of bread.

I am allowed to honor and adore you here, as the apostles and disciples once were with you. As you were once visible among them, you see and hear me in your holy house. In this sacred mystery of the altar you have been adored throughout the Catholic Church since the times of the apostles. I join in this holy prayer and this great faith.

I also close myself in the hope that so many people have placed in you, in the love that all the saints have given you, in the gratitude that so many have shown you because you have helped them from here. From the tabernacle, send a ray of grace and help into my soul as well. never let me come unworthy to your holy table!

Because I expect and ask for help and strength from Holy Communion in my position, in my job, in all the difficulties of life. I also beg help for my family and friends and mercy for my enemies, whom you want to lead to the true path as well as myself. Grant me, Lord, the great grace that one day, in the hour of my death, I can absorb myself as sustenance on the last and decisive path. I want to offer you honor and praise until my last breath. Amen.