Yoga and Vipassana – Lost Sexuality and lost Motherhood – Back to Paganism

The religious vacuum drives many to yoga and vipassana practices. Since we no longer use and understand the body and mind in our society, but only identify with it, our sexuality and intimacy also atrophies. In a childless society, sexuality and thus intimacy is no longer lived out and experienced. With sexuality (intimacy) the awareness of death and dying is only made possible. If I know what destroys me, then I know what destroys you.

Yoga was an exercise for the monks (childless) to meditate on the impermanence of their own bodies and thus to reflect on death. Yoga and Vipassana means something like: "You will have to die! Be careful!" Yoga as it is used today is a symptom treatment without understanding the cause.

The Sexual Sense Organ - Vipassana

The primary sexual sense organ, not to be confused with the genitals, is the skin (sensual, physical) in women and the eye (visual, psychological) in men. Woman's skin burns all day long. A baby can give the woman endless satisfaction until the skin cools with age. Or sports.

Father Role

Girls learn about sexuality through fatherhood. The more comfortable girls feel in their own skin (who have learned the harmony between pain and pleasure through play), the healthier their sexuality will be in adulthood, because they can engage with the other and trust their bodies. Every father or man likes to play with the children (wrestling, fighting, etc.) and causes this development. Boys' interest is controlled by fighting and wrestling.

Which is often misunderstood as aggression. In order to build something (synthesis) one must first know the individual parts (analytics). Disassembly is an examination of the individual parts.

Mother Role

Boys learn about sexuality through the role of mother. This means that the confirmation of the mother strengthens self-esteem and thus a healthy development of sexuality in adulthood is initiated so that one can engage with the other and trust one's psyche (spirit).


Yoga vipassana

The Body - Vipassana

Man can run a horse to death. I can travel from my monastery in Switzerland to my monk father in Japan without walking more than 5 kilometers by myself. In our mobile society, we hardly need or move ourselves anymore. Accordingly, we feel neglected and useless.


Telos - Meaning of Life

The telos (purpose) of our body and mind has been lost. And so we no longer have body and mind, but have become body and mind. Only by realizing the self-nature, the true self without rank and name, can we put the body-mind in order and satisfy the instincts and interests.


Selfishness - Masturbating makes you blind but happy

When the purpose, the telos, is lost, only the end in itself remains and thus self-glorification. Big masturbation in hope of getting satisfaction. To make you feel happy. When the purpose is lost, there are no consequences either. Sexuality without consequences becomes a life without consequences and therefore without responsibility. Masturbating is pointless because it is only an end in itself.

Altruism - Vipassana

The telos of body and mind is directed towards the other. When the other is gone, the purpose turns to itself and it becomes morbid and pure self-affirmation. Body Awareness Stone Women generally have a much higher body awareness, which means they feel their body more consciously than men. A small change in and on the body is noticed much faster than in men. Why? With the fetus in her womb, the woman must constantly feel her body to ensure the health of the child. Getting pregnant is already a reality for the woman. Only when the child is born does it become real for the man. Therefore, women have more anticipation in general, but are also less willing to take risks than men.


Food intake is essential for the health of the unborn child and spoiled food would have fatal consequences.

Meditation center

Here you get more information about the monthly meditation retreat.

Zen Order of Switzerland