Zen Koan – Cookies of Zen – Case 18 – Suddenly the Self-Nature is Seen

Suddenly the Self-Nature is seen. Whether one is a materialist, spiritualist, realist, idealist, philosopher, priest or scientist, he has knowledge. Contrarily, Venerable Zen Master Pojo (1158 - 1210) said,

Although you want to perceive, yet it will never be perceived. While comprehending what-is-not-to-be-perceived, suddenly the Self-Nature is seen.

How can we possibly comprehend what-is-not-to-be-perceived? Can anyone speak from what-is-not-to-be-perceived? In the scriptures one fragment says,

Even Shakyamuni Buddha did not comprehend this. How could it be transmitted to Mahakasyapa?

Now, in here, what did Buddha not comprehend? About this Dharma, no one could say whether it was easy or hard. Someone can say that they know what this is, because everyone, whether in science, philosophy, organic or inorganic nature studies, or religion has the idea of knowledge. We are used to upholding the thought of knowing something as a whole.

But, on the contrary, we are talking about what is not to be perceived. Is this the mind? Or the Law? Is it the Self-Nature? Now, tell me what this is. The world in the ten directions and everything in the world and in the whole universe are all included in this one word. the-which-is-not-to-be-perceived.

Zen Master's Comments

"If someone asked me what this is, I would not give an answer directly, but would point out the right answer with a metaphor. The circle does not know the circular." The master sang a verse:

Eyes and ears originally leave no trace. Among us, who is finally acknowledged? If, where there is no form, one turns his body around, barking of dogs and braying of asses are coming to life.