The Case
A monk asked zen master Ummon, "What is the true Body?" Ummon said, "Beyond the six."
Engo's Introduction
Heaven never speaks, yet the four seasons follow their courses. Earth does not talk, but all things prosper. Where the four seasons follow their courses, you can see the substance. Where all things prosper, you can find the use. Now tell me, where do you see the monk? Stop your speech, your actions, your daily routine, and, closing your throat and lips, say it.
One, two, three, four, five, six
Even the blue-eyed Indian monk cannot count it.
Rashly they say Shorin passed it on to Shinko,
Or he, clad in the robe, journeyed back to India.
India is vast and far; he is not to be found,
Lo! Since last night he has been here facing Nyuho.