Zen Master – Patriarch – Switzerland – The Zen Master manifests the Logos and lives truly!

The Zen Master manifests the Logos and lives truly. Without these role models, I could never have imagined that such a life was even possible and real. At a young age I moved far away in search of the meaning of life. Not looking for wise words, but for models that live out the Logos. It was a privilege to have found such teachers. But how do you find such people? An impossible task, reverent and clumsy at the same time I went my way.

You don't find teachers, you recognize them. During the apprenticeship years, I offered my whole mind and body to these daring Zen monks. Not knowing what tomorrow will bring, my focus and attention has been dictated by the actions and words of these saints and sages.

You can't choose your interests, your interests chooses you. I am often asked if I had doubts during my monastery training and if the mental and physical challenges were not too much for me? Life on the battlefield of wisdom demands more than you have. A small step away and the Logos destroyed me mercilessly. Only later did I understand that he also brought me to life at the same time.

How do you become a Zen master as quickly as possible? Print a business card! (Zen Master Powha Sunim)


Patriarch - Rustic Zen Master

The Zen Patriarch is the forefather of a family tradition in the Zen lineage. The nature of sudden enlightenment originally has no defilement; and the self-gnostic-nature without bewilderment is originally completed: if one practices by this understanding, it is called the highest vehicle meditation (Zen). It is also called Gods immaculate Meditation.

Cultivating one thought after another will, without doubt, result in one hundred-thousand meditative absorption, which is the same law that has been transmitted since Bodhidharma.


After sudden enlightenment, one should cultivate oneself gradually; the relationship between these is like two wheels of a vehicle, one cannot exist without the other. Some people insist that mind cultivating should be best accomplished by immovable thing; by controlling body and mind, like a stone and a weed; they call this cultivating the mind. But this is a very wrong concept; and they do not understand the fact that the nature of the good and the bad is originally void.

Killing, stealing, adultery, and deluded speaking are raised from our self-nature. As long as you contemplate and reexamine this rising with great awareness, then rising is not the rising since the one in itself who raises a thought is already void-and-tranquil. What else can you cut? Therefore it is said.

Do not be afraid of the coming of delusion, rather be alert for your tardiness of awakening. Awaken as soon as thought comes; as soon as awakened, immediately nothing remains.


Zen Master

Therefore, for the enlightened man, all various unnatural bewilderments become the most marvelous dessert. As long as the confusion is rootless, the three-empty-space-flowered-worlds are like smoke before the wind and the illusory six sense-roots are like melting ice in hot water.

If you cultivate, contemplate and reexamine every thought in this way without negligence, while upholding serenity and wisdom equally, then like and dislike will finally be diminished, and instead the compassionate wisdom will be naturally augmented.

Like the moon shining in the middle of the sky and appearing in each and every pond, immeasurable applications will follow each and every being.


1. Bibashi Buddha

2. Shiki Buddha

3. Bishafu Buddha

4. Kunagonmuni Buddha

5. Kasho Buddha

6. Kuruson Buddha

7. Shakyamuni Buddha


1. Makakasho Sonja

2. Anan Sonja

3. Shonawashu Sonja

4. Ubakikuta Sonja

5. Daitaka Sonja

6. Mishaka Sonja

7. Bashumitsu Sonja

8. Butsudanan Sonja

9. Fukudamitta Sonja

10. Barishiba Sonja

11. Funayasha Sonja

12. Memyo Sonja

13. Kabimora Sonja

14. Ryuju Sonja

15. Ganadaiba Sonja

16. Ragorata Sonja

17. Sogyanandai Sonja

18. Kayashata Sonja

19. Kumorata Sonja

20. Shayata Sonja

21. Bashubansu Sonja

22. Manora Sonja

23. Kakurokuyasha Sonja

24. Shishibodai Sonja

25. Bashashita Sonja

26. Funyomitta Sonja

27. Hanyatara Sonja


28. Bodhidharma

29. Niso Eka Daishi

30. Sanso Kanchi Zenji

31. Doushin Daii Zenji

32. Gunin Taiman Zenji

33. Eno Taikan Zenji

34. Nangaku Ejo Zenji

35. Basodou Itsu Zenji

36. Hyakujo Ekai Zenji

37. Obaku Kiun Zenji

38. Rinzai Gigen Zenji

39. Koke Sonsho Zenji

40. Nanin Geyo Zenji

41. Fuketsu Ensho Zenji

42. Shusan Seinen Zenji

43. Funyo Zensho Zenji

44. Sekiso Soen Zenji

45. Yogi Hoe Zenji

46. Haku Utan Zenji

47. Goso Hoen Zenji

48. Engo Kokugon Zenji

49. Koku Joryu Zenji

50. Oan Donke Zenji

51. Mittan Ganketsu Zenji

52. Shogen Sogaku Zenji

53. Unnan Fugan Zenji

54. Kido Chigu Zenji


55.  Nanpo Chomyo Zenji

56. Shuho Myocho Zenji

57. Kanzan Egen Zenji

58. Juo Sohitsu Zenji

59. Muin Soin Zenji

60. Nippo Soshun Zenji

61. Giten Gensho Zenji

62. Sekko Soshin Zenji

63. Toyo Eicho Zenji

64. Taigan Tankyo Zenji

65. Koho Genkun Zenji

66. Sensho Zuisho Zenji

67. Ian Chisatsu Zenji

68. Tozen Soshin Zenji

69. Yozan Keiyo Zenji

70. Gudo Toshoku Zenji

71. Shido Bunan Zenji

72. Dokyo Etan Zenji

73. Hakuin Ekaku Zenji

74. Gasan Jido Zenji

75. Ryochu Nyoryu Zenji

76. Takuju Gosen Zenji

77. Banjo Goko Zenji

78. Doei Tsusho Zenji

79. Gyokuden Shinpaku Zenji

80. Genmyo Koki Zenji

81. Gessen Chien Zenji

82. (Tenshin Kotoku Zenji)


83. (Masan Doam " Marcel Reding" Zenji)